Sunday, March 30, 2014

Crochet Super Mario(or Luigi) Pattern

   So I've been working on a crochet Mario on and off for the past few days. Lately I've been getting so many ideas for projects it's hard to concentrate on just one. I just want to do everything, and obviously it's not possible to do it all at once. I hope that someday all the projects I have in my head will be realized.    Anyway, here's is my Mario pattern :)

I used a 4.25mm hook
Head & Body
Start with brown yarn

Round 1-   Magic ring (6 st)

Round 2-   2 Single crochet in each st(12st)

Round 3-   2 Single crochet in each st(12st)
Round 4-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 5-   Single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 6-   Single crochet in the next 5 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 5 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 7-   Single crochet in back loops for 2 rows, change color for skin
Round 8-15-   Single crochet for 8 rows
Round 16-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, single crochet 2 together(decrease), single crochet in the next 2 stitches, decrease, continue like this for the row

Secure in eyes(12mm black safety eyes)
Round 17-   Single crochet in the next stitch, decrease, single crochet in the next stitch, decrease, continue like this for the row

Round 18-   Row of decreases, start stuffing

Round 19-   Single crochet row
Leave for now

Round 1-   Magic ring(6st)

Round 2-   2 single crochet in each st(12st)
Round 3-   Single crochet row

Round 4-   Single crochet in the next stitch, decrease, single crochet in the next st, decrease, continue like this for the row

Cut off yarn, Stuff lightly, sew onto face
Magic ring(6st)

Ch 1, turn, single crochet in the same stitch, 2 single crochet in each st for the row
Make 2, sew onto head
Side burns
Ch 6

Single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in the next 4

make 2, sew onto head
Hair at the back of the head
Ch 20(this really depends on where you put the ears, you may have a larger or smaller chain)

Single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in each chain for the row(19st)

Ch 1, turn, single crochet in each st(19st)

repeat for 6 more rows

sew onto head
Ch 12

Single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in the next 10 stitches

Sew onto face
Continuing from the head/start of body
Green yarn or red(depending on if you're making Mario or Luigi)

Round 20-   Single crochet in the next stitch, increase in the next, single crochet in the next stitch, increase in the next, continue like this for the row

Round 21-22-   Single crochet for 2 rows
switch to blue yarn(for suspenders)

Round 23-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase in the next, single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase in the next, continue like this for the row

Round 24-28-   Single crochet in the next 5 rows

Round 29-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, single crochet 2 together(decrease), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, decrease, continue like this for the row

Use a different color piece of yarn to mark the middle of the body(through the front and back)

Round 30-   Single crochet to the middle(if needed) then single crochet the front and back of the body together, this will be the beginning of the first leg

Note: The most important part to remember when making the legs is to start both legs with the same amount of stitches(mine were 8 st each)

Round 31-33-   Single crochet for 3 rows(use a stitch marker if needed)

Round 34-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row
switch to brown for shoes

Round 35-   Single crochet row

Round 36-   Decrease row
Slip stitch into the next stitch, sew closed. Do same for second leg. If there is a space between both legs, sew closed.
Slip stitch onto body where you want the first arm, single crochet in a circle, 8 stitches for both arms, start with red yarn
Single crochet around for 3 rows
Switch to white yarn
Single crochet for 2 more rows, whip stitch in the front post of each stitch and pull to close, sew in ends

Do the same for the other arm

Ch 10, single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in the next 8 stitches

Make 2 white for the gloves(sew onto edge of white)
and 2 blue for the suspender straps

Button for suspenders
Using a 3.75mm hook, make a magic ring(6st), slip stitch into the next stitch

Make 2, sew onto front of suspenders
Round 1-   Magic ring(6st)

Round 2-   2 single crochet in each st(12st)

Round 3-   2 single crochet in each st(24st)
Round 4-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row
Round 5-   Single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 6-   Single crochet in the next 5 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 5 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 7-   Single crochet in the next 6 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 6 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 8-13-   Single crochet for 6 rows
Round 14-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, decrease, single crochet in the next 2 stitches, decrease, continue like this for the row

Round 15-   Single crochet row

Round 16-   2 single crochet in each of the next 10 stitches, slip stitch in the next stitch

Round 17-   Ch 1, skip 1 stitch, single crochet in the next 18 stitches, skip the next stitch, slip stitch into the next, cut off yarn, weave in ends

Circle with name initial
Magic ring(6st)

2 single crochet in each st(12st)

2 Single crochet in each st(24st)

Slip stitch embroider on either an M or L, depending on which character you're making, sew onto hat.

Friday, March 28, 2014

T-Shirt Painting Fun!

   Well it's Friday everyone and Kai's been home the last 3 days because of a snow storm. Although the storm didn't start until about 1pm on Wednesday and ended yesterday the schools on the Island were closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
   With Kai home I haven't had much time to do any crochet. But we did do some t-shirt painting yesterday. It was quite fun! :) Here are some video's for you that are definitely worth watching if you want to give t-shirt painting a try; ,  , . If you want to give canvas shoe painting a try, take a look at this blog post by The Chic Manual .

Here are some of the pictures I took while Kai and I were having fun yesterday doing some t-shirt art ^-^

I found some super cheap canvas shoes at the local Walmart for $7 so I will definitely be painting those in the near future! :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crochet Goomba!- Pattern

   Good morning, and happy Tuesday! Everyone in Charlottetown is preparing for the apocalypse today. Oh did I say the apocalypse, I meant a Blizzard. There's a storm coming tomorrow, we're supposed to get 30-40cm of snow with Blizzard conditions. Yep, this is our spring, oh the joys of living in Atlantic Canada...
   But not to crochet, yesterday, I decided to work on a crochet Goomba from Super Mario Bros. I crocheted all day while also writing the pattern, and I am done! So here it is;

I used a 4.25mm hook

Head(light brown yarn)
Round 1-   Magic ring(6st)

Round 2-   2 Single crochet in each st(12st)

Round 3-   2 Single crochet in each st(24st)
Round 4-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row
Round 5-   Single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 4 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row
Round 6-11-   Single crochet for 6 rows

Round 12-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 13-   Single crochet row

Round 14-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase, single crochet in the next 2 stitches, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 15-19-   Single crochet for 5 rows

Round 20-   Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, single crochet 2 together(decrease), single crochet in the next 2 stitches, decrease, continue like this for the row

Round 21-   Single crochet in the next stitch, decrease, single crochet in the next stitch, decrease, continue like this for the row

Round 22-   Decrease row, leave for now
Ch 4, single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in the next stitch, single crochet 3 times in the first chain

Rotate to work on the other side of the chain

Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next

Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 3 single crochet in the next, single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next stitch, slip stitch in the next stitch, cut off yarn
Make 2, sew onto head, fasten safety eyes(I used 15.00mm eyes)
Slip stitch/embroider mouth and teeth, start stuffing
Head(continued, start of body) Using Aran colored yarn
Join new yarn color

Round 23-   Single crochet row

Round 24-   Single crochet in the next stitch, increase in the next, single crochet in the next stitch, increase, continue like this for the row

Round 25-28-   Single crochet for 4 rows, start stuffing body gradually

Round 29-30-   Decrease for 2 rows

slip stitch into the next stitch, sew closed
Start with light brown yarn

Ch 6

Single crochet in the second chain from the hook and in the next 3 stitches, single crochet 3 times in the first chain

*rotate to work on the other side of the chain(working in the round/around the original chain 6)

Single crochet in the next 4 stitches

Single crochet 2 times in the next stitch

Single crochet in the next 5 stitches, single crochet 3 times in the next stitch, single crochet in the next 6 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next st

Join darker brown yarn(remember to place a stitch marker!)

Single crochet for 3 rows
Decrease around for the row, stuff lightly

Decrease 3 more times, slip stitch in the next stitch, sew closed
Make 2, sew onto body
Use black felt to make the eyebrows
Sew onto head and you're done!!
I hope the pattern was helpful!