Monday, February 10, 2014

Crochet Owl Amigurumi Pattern

   I worked on this pattern throughout the weekend, it took a few tries to get it where I wanted it to be. But I finally finished it! I showed it to Kai this morning and he loved it! He's so supportive of my crocheting, especially the amigurumi's, mainly because he gets to play with the originals once I've finished my patterns :)

I used a 4.25mm hook, Loops and threads Impeccable yarn(sorry  not sure on the name of the color)

You will need to use stitch markers or yarn of a different color to mark rows


Magic ring(6 st)

2 single crochet into every stitch(12 st)

2 single crochet into every stitch(24 st)

Single crochet for 2 rows

Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, inc in the next, continue like this for the row

Single crochet row

Single crochet in the next 4st, 2 single crochet in the next(inc), single crochet in the next 4 st, inc in the next, continue like this for the row

Single crochet row

Single crochet in the next 5 st, 2 single crochet in the next(inc), single crochet in the next 5 st, inc in the next, continue in this manner for the row

Single crochet for 10 rows

Single crochet in the next 2 stitches, single crochet 2 together(decrease) in the next, single crochet in the next 2 st, dec, continue for row

single crochet 2 together(dec) for the row

leave for now,


magic ring(6 St)

2 single crochet in each stitch

Make 2, sew onto body/head

add safety eyes

Nose(Use orange, yellow or red yarn, depending on the color you chose for the body)

Using a yarn needle, sew in the beak/nose

stuff the body before continuing

Back to body

Single crochet 2 together for the row

Make sure it's sufficiently stuffed

decrease twice more, slip st in next st, sew in end


magic ring(6 St)

single crochet into each st for 2 rows

make 2, sew onto head


I used variegate yarn(Loops and Threads) with blue, green, and brown to go with the blue body.

The wings are made of 5 crocodile stitches starting with one then increasing to 2, and 2 again in the next row. Here is a link to a tutorial by BobWilson123 which helped me when I was learning to make crocodile stitches(in a triangle format for shawl, also great for wings!)

I've tried a few times to describe in writing how to do this, but my camera seems to be refusing to focus at the moment and without good pictures it's very difficult. So please take a look at the link above, follow the instruction for the first 2 rows(total 3 crocodile stitches)

Once you're done your second row, ch 1, sl stitch to the center of the crocodile st you were just working on, ch 3, make 1 double crochet in the same space.

Ch 1, double crochet in the space between the 2 pedals of the last row, ch 1, 2 double crochet in the center of the next pedal.
Now from this point follow the same instructions as the second row.

Make 2 wings

Sew onto body(I only sewed at the very top that way the wings can flap, for my son's and my amusement ;) )


magic ring

single crochet for 3 rows(make 2)

 Sew onto body

I sewed in some white V's on the body because I liked how it looked, but it's certainly not required.

 You're done!

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