Monday, February 24, 2014

Ubi the Monster-Pattern

  It's Monday, and the spring like weather continues here in Charlottetown. I'm really hoping that this weather continues :).
   I've decided to crochet a monster/alien per day for the week. Bellow is the pattern for Monster number 1, which I will call Ubi the one eyed monster ;)

I used a 4.25mm hook, loops and threads yarn

Round 1-   Magic ring(6st)

Round 2-   2 single crochet in each stitch for the row(12st)

Round 3-   2 single crochet in each stitch for the row(24st)

Round 4-   Single crochet in the next 3 stitches, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next 3 stitches, increase in the next, continue like this for the row

Round 5-14-   Single crochet for 10 rows, leave for now
Magic ring(6st)

2 single crochet in each st(12st)

single crochet in the next st, 2 single crochet in the next(increase), single crochet in the next, increase in the next, continue like this for the row
Place safety eye through white of eye and through body, fasten safety eye and sew on white of eye.

Back to body
I used a piece of a different color yarn running through the back and front of the center of the body to mark the separation of the legs.

There should be 14 stitches on both sides of the marker. If you don't have 14 stitches on both sides, that's ok, just make sure both sides have the same amount of stitches and are centered correctly, you can sew the space between the legs later.
Round 15-   Single crochet into the matching stitch at the back of the body(same side as marking yarn)
Note: You'll continue working in the round, remember to keep track of where the round starts/ends

Single crochet in every stitch until you reach the first of the round

Round 16- 20-   Single crochet for 5 more rows
Start stuffing the body

Round 21-   Single crochet in the back loops for the row(make sure leg is stuffed)

Round 22-   Single crochet 2 together for the row
decrease once more, slip stitch in the next stitch and sew closed, sew in tail(leave tail out at the bottom of the leg to sew the part between the legs later)
Join into the stitch on the order side of the marker, single crochet in the same stitch as join
Single crochet in each stitch for the row(make sure there are 14 stitches(or the same as the first leg)

Continue the same as you did for the first leg
Use one of the tails to sew the section between the legs
Magic ring(6st)

Single crochet for 6 rows

Make 2
Sew onto body
You're done! I hope this pattern was helpful.


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